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Fixed Deposit

  • Accepted from Individuals, Propritory concern Partnership firm, Pvt/public Ltd Co., Trust, Accociations ,Clubs, HUF etc.
  • DICGC Coverage.
  • Attractive rate of interest, as prescribed from time to time.
  • Auto Renewal facility on maturity.
  • 0.50% Additional rate of interest to senior citizens for deposits of one year and above.
  • Option for monthly/quartarly/half yearly interest payment.
  • Facility for Reinvestment plan under DHAN VRUDHI SCHEME.
  • Premature withdrawal affects 1% reduced rate than that of applicable at the time of deposit placed/prevailing presently which ever is less ,for the period deposit remains with the bank.
  • Nomination Facility.
  • Documents to be furnished as applicable at the time of opening account by Individuals, Propritory concern ,Partnership firm etc.